Register your child on OneList Waterloo Region immediately and we will contact you with availability. 

Please note:  Children may be registered on OneList at any time but must have turned 2 years old before they may begin preschool.

Our Registrar is available to answer any questions.

Registration Instructions:

Within Waterloo Region, the registration process is managed by OneList **. 

The on-line forms are safe, fast and convenient to use. 

All parents will need to register on-line using the OneList website. 

The registration process is easy. 

  1. Create a OneList Account
  2. Select the type of care you are requiring (Select “Preschool/Co-op Nursery School) option and then “half day am or pm” program option. 
  3. Select New Hamburg Area Co-op Preschool and continue to registration process. 

If you need help you can contact the preschool directly.


**OneList is a centralized website for parents to access applications and waiting lists for all licensed child care programs.  The website will help parents register for all early learning and child care services in Waterloo Region and allow all early learning and child care programs to more effectively manage their wait lists.  All early learning and child care operators in Waterloo Region are required to implement the new OneList application program for all new children. 

Forms available for download

  • New and returning parents please find below the Parents Handbook which has important information regarding the co-op experience at the preschool.
  • Please also refer to the policy and procedures provided below.  If you have any questions regarding any of the documents send us an email under the contact section.

Parent Handbook

Registration Package

Policies and Procedures